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The Cattlemen’s Beef Board

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board

The Cattlemen's Beef Board is responsible for overseeing the collection of the Beef Checkoff and funding of Checkoff programs.

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The Checkoff

The Checkoff

The Beef Checkoff program is a producer-funded marketing and research program designed to increase domestic and/or international demand for beef.

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New Year, New Programs, New Budgets

What Programs Are Funded with Your Checkoff Dollars?

The Beef Promotion and Research Act and Order authorizes Beef Checkoff funds to only be spent in the following program areas: industry information, consumer information, research, producer communications, foreign marketing and promotion.

Each year, beef organizations present proposals to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board to request funding in these program areas. The organizations approved for funding are referred to as Beef Checkoff contractors.

Currently, the Beef Checkoff has eight contractors. The contractors and their programs and projects are approved within each of the program areas for the fiscal year 2021 (October 2020 to September 2021).

Consumer Information

Helps enhance beef’s image by sharing nutritional data and other positive messages with media, food editors, dietitians, physicians and others who influence consumers’ food knowledge.


Builds beef consumption in highly populated Northeastern U.S. cities by working with restaurants and grocery store chains, marketing to specific consumer groups and garnering support from regional nutrition influencers. 2021 Funding: $497,034


Grows a scientifically literate society through the beef-based STEM curriculum, built for middle and high school students, to science educators and education leaders. 2021 Funding: $670,996


Increases consumer awareness of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand and positions beef as the number one protein with restaurants, culinary leaders, grocery stores and other markets through media relations. 2021 Funding: $6,163,221


Provides the foundation for virtually all Checkoff-funded information and promotion by providing science related to beef nutrition, beef safety and pathogen resistance.


Conducts post-harvest beef safety and science-based research on processed beef’s nutritional and health benefits. 2021 Funding: $646,144


Continues to examine beef’s role in a healthy diet to share with the scientific and nutrition community, improves beef’s unique taste attributes and develops new recipes. 2021 Funding: $8,250,764


Includes advertising, merchandising and new product development as well as training and promotional partnerships with restaurants and supermarkets that stimulate sales of beef and veal products.


Facilitates innovative approaches for consumers to access and purchase veal and enhances veal-eating experiences by creating meal solutions that capitalize on taste, value and versatility. 2021 Funding: $298,220


Builds perspective on prepared versus processed beef to improve consumer trust and educate consumers on prepared beef as part of a healthy, balanced diet. 2021 Funding: $596,441


Connects directly with consumers to promote beef through the iconic Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand. Through beef marketing and merchandising, Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. educates and inspires consumers to purchase, prepare and enjoy beef. 2021 Funding: $8,946,611

Industry Information

Strives for an accurate understanding of the beef industry and helps maintain a positive cattle-marketing climate.


Builds discovery, access and confidence in veal and veal production. 2021 Funding: $99,407


Supports the beef industry’s commitment to One Health – healthy humans, healthy animals – including the annual Antibiotics Symposium, which will focus on continued knowledge about responsible antibiotic use and the primary efforts aimed at combating antimicrobial resistance. 2021 Funding: $89,466


Communicates the message that real beef’s great taste and nutrition can’t be replicated and corrects the myths around beef and beef production among various audiences. 2021 Funding: $3,081,611

Producer Communications

Informs producers and importers about how their Checkoff dollars are invested through The Drive newsletter (printed and e-newsletter versions), media relations, thought leadership, social media, an educational website and other tactics.


Communicates to producers where their Checkoff dollars are spent through print and online publications, media outreach, industry roundtables and state support. 2021 Funding: $1,689,915

Foreign Marketing

Develops international markets for U.S. beef through programs aimed at expanding market penetration, gaining new market access, improving global consumer perceptions and building trust in U.S. beef.


Maximizes market access for U.S. beef around the globe, develops demand among new and existing buyers overseas and increases value of the entire carcass through export support. 2021 Funding: $8,350,170



Contractor Key

AFBFA: American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture

CBB: Cattlemen’s Beef Board

FMPRE: Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education

MICA: Meat Import Council of America

NCBA: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

NIAA: National Institute for Animal Agriculture

NAMI: North American Meat Institute

NEBPI: Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative *

NYBC: New York Beef Council *

USMEF: United States Meat Export Federation

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