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Beef Board

Beef Board

The Cattlemen's Beef Board is responsible for overseeing the collection of the Beef Checkoff and funding of Checkoff programs.

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The Checkoff

The Checkoff

The Beef Checkoff program is a producer-funded marketing and research program designed to increase domestic and/or international demand for beef.

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Hanes: Isn’t That What We Are All Working Toward?

It’s no secret that we are in challenging times right now. Inflation is unsettling the economy, droughts and floods are causing havoc throughout the U.S., supply-chain issues and other lingering impacts from COVID have no doubt caused many Americans – beef producers included – to have to reassess their business, financial and personal decisions. Organizations are not insulated from this, and in fact, find it more necessary than ever to take a hard look at themselves.

Here at CBB, we strive for constant evolution and change, especially when it leads to more effective and efficient programs. That “hard look” for continuous improvement happens frequently here, especially since Checkoff programs are reviewed and funded annually. Yet there are times that call for further introspection, and this year we were able to create and begin execution of a five-year strategic plan for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board.

A strategic plan is vitally important as it sets clear direction and identifies priorities for the organization. I am particularly proud of the opening statement of the CBB’s plan, outlining a simple and encompassing belief for our organization:

We believe that: The beef industry working together will make beef the most popular protein for everyday use in the U.S. and globally based on the taste, convenience, nutritional benefits, value, safety, and versatility of beef.

At the end of the day, isn’t that what we are all working toward?

There have been several recent calls in the ag trade media for beef industry collaboration and support; several organizations have laid out common ground upon which to strengthen our industry relations with one another. Nowhere is that more important than in the producer and importer-led Cattlemen’s Beef Board, and is very present in the newly-outlined plan. As always, we continue to encourage your dialogue, questions, and feedback on the Beef Checkoff and its programs, and will continue to lead and support collaboration, communication, and transparency within arguably one of the best industries in the world.

To view the newly adopted five-year CBB Strategic Plan, visit

Greg Hanes, CEO

Cattlemen’s Beef Board

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