My Beef Board Members 
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farmer carrying bag over shoulder

Frequently Asked Questions

From July 29th to 31st, cattlemen and women from across the country gathered at the Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting to discuss current issues and develop programs and initiatives important to the beef industry. Contractors to the Beef Checkoff presented their 2020 authorization requests to their respective program committees, receiving valuable feedback that will help them further improve the Beef Checkoff’s positive impact. The Beef Promotion Operating Committee will review these authorization requests, and in September, the committee will make funding recommendations on Beef Checkoff investments and priorities for the 2020 fiscal year. The annual checkoff budget will then be approved by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Throughout the event, cattle producers attended various interactive sessions and meetings centered around Beef Checkoff efforts and other industry-related topics. A major highlight was an industry update from Randy Blach, CattleFax CEO. Producers heard him explore various factors, from herd expansion and export markets to swine fever ramifications and corn crop expectations, that will have a future impact on the U.S. cattle market.

Because the Summer Meeting’s primary focus centers on the Beef Checkoff’s future projects, beef producers and CBB members broke out into the five different committee sessions to hear from checkoff contractors about the efforts they are making to help drive beef demand. The program committees are Safety, Nutrition and Health, Innovation, Consumer Trust and Export Growth.

“By working as a team using this committee structure, we do our best to assure that we get the biggest bang for the buck for every producer dollar we receive,” says CBB member Jimmy Taylor from Cheyenne, Okla.

Some cattle producers voiced a concern over misinformation being shared from different industry groups that oppose the Beef Checkoff.

“The checkoff program is no stranger to criticism, and every question I had was answered openly,” says first-year CBB member, Bree DeNaeyer from Seneca, Neb. “I came away from the Summer Meeting feeling better armed to not just defend, but promote the Beef Checkoff.”

Being a CBB member provides producers with a unique opportunity to positively influence and help improve the Beef Checkoff. The checkoff is a complex program that requires producer input in order to remain successful.

“Before, I had no idea the Beef Checkoff did so many things to efficiently influence demand for beef,” Taylor adds. “As a producer, this makes me feel really good about how my checkoff dollars are being used, and I now realize how important the checkoff is to the success of the beef industry. As a result, I have become a much better advocate for the industry.”

Any and all beef producers can be nominated to be a member of CBB. If you are interested in serving on the board, begin the process today by speaking with your state beef council or certified nominating organizations. Members are appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture based on nominations submitted by these certified nominating organizations. Learn more here.

rancher looking out at pasture

Frequently Asked Questions

The Beef Promotion Operating Committee (BPOC) is one of the most influential and impactful producer-led committees in the beef industry, making major funding decisions on Beef Checkoff investments and priorities.

When the Beef Promotion and Research Act was first passed as part of the 1985 Farm Bill, many state beef councils were already working together and conducting checkoff-funded programs through the Beef Industry Council. The Act recognized this state effort, and by law allowed for half of the dollar to remain in the state to fund state programs and promotion. Then, to guarantee state and national programs were coordinated, the Act created the BPOC to ensure funding decisions about checkoff programs as well as decisions regarding which organizations to contract with and carry out the program.

The BPOC develops the annual checkoff budget, which is then approved by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Programs and projects must remain in the areas of promotion, research, consumer information, industry information, foreign marketing, producer communications and must drive beef demand.

The Operating Committee has a unique makeup, with 20 members total from two different entities: 10 members are elected by the CBB, while the remaining 10 are selected by the states through the Federation of State Beef Councils. No checkoff program or project is approved unless two-thirds of Operating Committee members vote to accept it. This means that a program must have recognized value in order to earn the consensus needed to be successfully funded. By formulating a committee that reflects both national and state priorities, the Beef Checkoff is better equipped to spend dollars more effectively and efficiently.

Every August, members of the CBB and Federation of State Beef Councils gather at the industry’s annual Summer Business Meeting to review funding proposals from various checkoff contractors and make recommendations based on industry and producer needs. The BPOC then convenes in September to establish the final funding recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year.

cheeseburger on plate at restaurant

Frequently Asked Questions

Recently, Burger King, the second-largest burger chain in the U.S., announced it would begin serving another version of the iconic Whopper using an all-vegetarian patty. Burger King’s adoption of this plant-based, alternative patty is a big move in the primarily beef-focused foodservice arena, providing consumers greater access to alternative proteins. What does this mean for the beef industry?

Well, Americans love beef, especially burgers. It’s a fact. Americans consume roughly 50 billion burgers a year, with the average American eating three hamburgers a week1. There is even a national day dedicated to the love of the hamburger. National Burger Day, a day of appreciation for hamburgers, fell on May 28th this year. In 2018, ground beef accounted for 40 percent of dollar sales and half of last year’s pound sales2. All of these facts confirm that beef is what consumers continue to love, buy and eat.

Still, more and more restaurants and stores are offering plant-based alternative proteins to give their consumers greater variety on their menus and their shelves. Many restaurants and food service businesses that have latched onto this trend. While the trend is still growing, it is important to note that meat alternatives only represent a fraction of pounds sold, registering at 0.1 percent share in 20183.

The main selling points for companies producing plant-based, alternative proteins revolve around the environment, nutrition and animal welfare. They contend plant-based proteins require fewer natural resources, including water and land, and emit fewer greenhouse gases when compared to the beef production system. Another view is based upon the common misconception that red meat is bad for the human diet. Lastly, these companies use emotional tactics to tell consumers that, by opting to eat plant-based proteins, they can keep animals from being slaughtered and consumed.

These selling points may attract a certain type of consumer. However, the Beef Checkoff has taken significant measures to bring beef to the consumer forefront and position it as one of the world’s most desirable proteins.

When it comes to sustainable production processes, the beef industry has moved forward in leaps and bounds. Producers are constantly looking for new ways to produce more beef with fewer resources. In fact, today, U.S. beef farmers and ranchers are able to produce the same amount of beef with one-third fewer cattle than they did in 19774. The checkoff-funded lifecycle assessment gives consumers and the industry a clear picture as to what beef sustainability looks like today.

When it comes to health, the Beef Checkoff works with dietitians and physicians regularly to educate them on the health benefits of including beef in an everyday diet. The checkoff-funded Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand serves as the consumer-facing resource dedicated to educating individuals through webinars, seminars, fact sheets, cooking lessons, nutrition research and more on the ways lean beef contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that consumers consider beef one of the best sources of protein5.

Ironically, meat eaters are the target audience for many of the companies promoting plant-based, alternative proteins. Their campaigns have centered around their products’ amazing similarity, texture and taste compared to beef. On April Fools’ Day, Burger King “fooled” some beef-loving restaurant goers into thinking they were eating the Whopper’s original beef patty when they were actually eating the newly introduced plant-based patty instead. The reaction was overwhelming, with many saying they couldn’t believe how alike the two options tasted.

“Beef has one ingredient—beef. While plant-based alternatives, consisting of dozens of ingredients, have demonstrated similarities to beef, it’s important that consumers understand exactly what they’re eating and where it came from,” states Janna Stubbs, Cattlemen’s Beef Board member from Alpine, Texas. “The beef industry has worked hard to be transparent and give consumers the high-quality beef they seek and trust to feed their families.”

The Beef Checkoff has dedicated valuable resources toward consumer and market research to determine how consumers think about beef and alternative proteins, as well as where they are spending their protein dollars. In 2019, annual projected beef consumption is more than 58 pounds per capita versus beef substitutes measuring in at a few ounces per capita6. Furthermore, the U.S. Retail Beef Demand Index has increased by almost 15 percent since 2012. This increase in demand is being driven by consumer beef expenditures, which reached an all-time high in 2018 of more than $105 billion7.

Consumer marketing is also a big priority. For consumers to continue buying beef, the Beef Checkoff must invest in initiatives that increase beef’s visibility and appeal. The Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand has created a series of social media ads that clearly position beef as one of the top proteins and address meat alternatives head on.

The Beef Checkoff also targets consumers who are actively searching for information on topics like beef sustainability—effectively disputing the claims made by companies producing plant-based alternatives—and driving them toward the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. website for accurate information.

The Beef Checkoff works to leverage resources in the most impactful areas so producers can be confident that consumers are purchasing their superior products. Listening to consumers and adapting to their purchasing decisions are key to the beef industry’s success. Much is still on the horizon when it comes to alternative proteins, but the Beef Checkoff will continue to identify ways to position beef as the number one protein choice amongst consumers and drive demand for beef.

meat in meat case

Frequently Asked Questions

At the beginning of 2019, CattleFax CEO Randy Blach noted that calves would have been worth $50 per cwt less and fed cattle $20 less if the industry had failed to meet consumer beef demand. Over the last 20 years, beef producers have answered the call for higher-quality beef, directly impacting demand, and therefore, beef prices and consumption.1

Consumer demand is perhaps the most important driver of the beef industry. Growing demand and responding to consumer trends are key to maintaining beef as a superior protein choice. The sole purpose of the Beef Checkoff is to do just that—help build beef demand. To do this, the Beef Checkoff continually funds research and tracks consumer trends to ensure producers have the full picture of how beef is performing at retail and foodservice establishments worldwide.

Defining “demand” and how it affects beef values

While the factors that go into demand are very complex, the concept of demand is simple: beef demand relies on sentiment, or the trust and loyalty one has for a product. Driving demand is the effort that goes into getting a consumer to think of beef first—positioning beef in the forefront of their minds when they enter the grocery store. The Beef Checkoff is building consumer confidence in order to drive demand.

The beef industry has many layers and sectors that work together. It includes various dynamics and complex markets that contribute to overall demand. According to Dr. Derrell Peel of Oklahoma State University, “The complexity increases when one realizes that beef demand is not a single market, but it is the net effect of the disassembly of beef carcasses into many products entering different, but often related markets.” 2 For beef producers, cattle prices are of the utmost importance and are a result of the total value that consumers place on beef products. In other words, consumer demand determines beef carcass values, as well as prices for fed cattle, feeder cattle and calves.

Demand vs. consumption

Dr. Peel notes that the beef industry, “is one of, if not the most complex set of markets on the planet.”3 When consumers believe in beef, it pushes the market. There are many influences behind beef demand, the most significant of which are population, income, taste and preferences, expectations and the prices of other goods. Demand can sometimes be confused with consumption. If demand is the sentiment toward beef, then consumption is the sales data – how much they are actually purchasing and eating. Consumption doesn’t take into account what leads to the purchasing decision or the price-vs-value relationship. Consumers must view beef as a favorable product in order for it to be competitive in the marketplace. 4

In 2018, cattle producers saw a large increase in consumer beef demand, particularly in the retail sector. According to the U.S. Retail Beef Demand Index, 2018 retail beef demand was 15 percent higher than in January 2012. Furthermore, the Beef Demand Index shows consumers are loving high-quality, USDA-Choice-graded beef products. In fact, approximately 80 percent of U.S. beef grades USDA Choice or higher today, compared to 50 percent in 2000.5

How the Beef Checkoff builds demand

Producing high-quality beef has led to greater consumer confidence, which is essential to continue building that demand. The Beef Checkoff echoes producers’ dedication to quality by promoting this at every turn and researching how consumers are responding to beef products in the marketplace. The Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand showcases beef’s superior taste, nutrition and quality benefits in ads placed around the country. A $5 million consumer advertising budget allows the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand to reach more consumers than ever before, particularly online.

Online marketing is critical today because consumers are spending the majority of their time using digital resources. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, directs consumers to the website whenever an individual searches for information about beef. This ensures consumers are obtaining the most accurate information about beef in their diets. Since October 2017, the website has had more than 15 million visits.

While beef prices are a top concern, the Beef Checkoff works to ensure consumers continue to feel confident purchasing beef. Over the past two decades, the beef industry has seen a direct correlation between industry success and consumer trends. The Beef Checkoff remains dedicated to growing overall beef demand through all avenues by promoting and educating consumers on the benefits of eating beef.

check cooking beef

Frequently Asked Questions

When they go out for breakfast, lunch or dinner, more consumers are choosing beef. Currently, 97 percent of restaurants report offering beef dishes1, which has been shown to increase restaurant traffic by 45 percent2. This data directly correlates to many Beef Checkoff efforts dedicated toward monitoring market trends and consumer interests and responding accordingly.

Overall, beef demand is up 15 percent since 20123. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is predicting strong consumer demand to continue through 2019, with U.S. consumers anticipated to consume nearly 9 percent more beef this year than in 20154.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), contractor to the Beef Checkoff, oversees the iconic Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand—a platform that not only promotes beef, but also monitors market trends and obtains consumer insights. By investing dollars in crucial market research, the checkoff is driving beef demand. To better understand foodservice-beef trends, completes an annual foodservice volumetric study through its iconic Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand. This study measures operator purchases and distributor sales of beef and other proteins across all foodservice operator segments. Beef is the most prominent ingredient at these establishments, accounting for 16 percent of total foodservice food and non-alcohol purchases5.

For the beef industry to remain successful, it must recognize what consumers want. They hold the purchasing power; therefore, it is essential the beef industry responds to their requests and decision-making patterns. The NCBA monitors and measures consumer attitudes on a monthly basis. The Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand has had an extremely positive impact on consumers’ perception of beef. According to the checkoff-funded Consumer Beef Tracker, people are more likely to feel positive about beef and more likely to eat beef more often when they are aware of the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand.

Consumers trust producers to deliver a superior beef product. Over the last decade, cattle producers have responded to trends calling for higher-quality beef, delivering more USDA prime- and choice-graded beef products. The choice/prime percentage moved from 55 percent in 2007 to 79 percent in 2018 and is projected to reach 80 percent this year.

With the checkoff gaining insight and data into market trends and consumer interests, the beef industry is better equipped to meet purchasing trends. Beef Checkoff research is identifying market opportunities and utilizing dollars to promote beef within different segments of the foodservice and retail chain.

Consumers want beef. From burgers to high-end steaks, restaurant owners recognize the economic incentive of offering beef on their menus. Producer-invested-checkoff dollars are arming the beef industry with insider knowledge so beef can continue to reign.

Frequently Asked Questions

Greg HanesThe Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) has named Greg Hanes as its new CEO. Hanes comes to the CBB from the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), a subcontractor to the Beef Checkoff, where he was most recently the vice president of international marketing programs.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

I was born and raised in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where cattle producers, with their solid work ethic and honesty, are simply part of the culture. My dad was a multigeneration Wyoming native, and my mom immigrated to the United States from Germany after World War II. Hearing stories from my mom, her siblings and my grandma about growing up in war-ravaged Germany and how they had to leave everything they owned behind in order to flee the Russian army had a powerful impact on me and my younger brother. Because of that, we always valued and appreciated everything we had.

After high school, I went to Colorado College (CC) in Colorado Springs and majored in economics. During my junior year, I studied abroad in Japan because it was “taking over the world” economically at the time. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Despite how different the culture, language, food and everything was, that experience showed me that at our core, people are people. After I graduated from CC, I spent a year back in Japan teaching English in public junior high schools with the Japan Education and Teaching Program.

After spending a bit more time in Japan and Asia, I enrolled in graduate school at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Phoenix, Arizona and received a master’s degree in international management. I worked several jobs in Denver before joining USMEF in 1996. There, I worked with the international offices and helped to write the government funding proposal called the Unified Export Strategy document.

After four years with USMEF in Denver, my family had the opportunity to move back to Japan. At the time, we had two young kids – one was 3 years old and the other was only 9 months old. If we wanted them to learn the Japanese language and culture, now was the time, so we moved to Japan. I worked in telecommunications for five years and then, rejoined USMEF as the Japan director. After four years in that role, I transferred back to USMEF’s Denver headquarters where I have been the last 10 years – most recently as the vice president of international marketing programs.

Q: Why did you choose to make the jump from USMEF to the CBB?

Working for USMEF, I am well aware of the huge impact building international demand for beef has on bringing more value back to producers. At the same time, I have always been impressed by the excellent staff at the CBB and their dedication to the beef industry. When this opportunity arose, it seemed like the perfect way to leverage my deep appreciation and enthusiasm for the checkoff, beef producers, all the contractors and the CBB staff to help make the program even more successful going into the future.

Q: With your background at USMEF, you bring extensive knowledge of exports and international markets. How do you feel your experience with USMEF has prepared you to take the helm of the Beef Checkoff?

Working at USMEF has given me a deep understanding of the huge impact the checkoff can have on increasing the value of beef, both international and domestically. And, there are so many things the checkoff is doing to help build that demand.

I also had the opportunity to work with many of the state beef councils and other key partners and stakeholders in our industry. Not only has this allowed me to develop close relationships with many of those individuals and groups, but it has also given me insight into many of the issues the checkoff faces.

Q: The CBB is essential to ensuring the Beef Checkoff remains strong and thriving in the future. What do you feel the checkoff is doing well, and what does it need to work on in the months and years ahead? How do you foresee your role fitting into that mission?

There are so many things the checkoff is doing well; however, we need to ensure that producers around the country know exactly what these efforts are. The CBB has recently launched some new initiatives to facilitate producer communications, so I am excited to see how these efforts reach producers, what works and what doesn’t, and then adapt to continually make our outreach more effective.

Q: Lastly, what else would you like beef producers to know about you?

I want beef producers to know that I am 100 percent behind them. My sole focus is to ensure the checkoff is doing all it can to provide producers with the greatest returns and bring them the highest possible value they can get for each animal. Ranching and beef production has a long and storied history, and I want to make sure that history continues long into the future. Ranching is all about families, and I hope to see every ranch passed down to the next generation and the next.

rancher carrying a bucket in a pasture

Frequently Asked Questions

I can honestly say inserting myself into a conversation is difficult from time to time. As a fifth-generation cattle rancher from Oklahoma, I don’t take credit for things I don’t earn. I don’t raise havoc when things get tough. And, I certainly don’t pat myself on the back when things go right. Being humble is a way of life for those of us in the agriculture industry, but sometimes, humility can be our biggest downfall.

The Beef Checkoff is one of the beef industry’s greatest achievements, yet few of us talk about the many ways it has benefited producers since its enactment in 1985. One of the biggest challenges facing the beef industry today is the fact that many producers don’t know what the checkoff is, what it does or how it benefits cattlemen and women every single day.

The only way to face this challenge is head on — by having the conversation. Beef farmers and ranchers need to start sharing successes, asking questions and voicing opinions about the Beef Checkoff. There is a new generation of young beef producers who are now responsible for their families’ operations, and they’ve never lived in a world without the checkoff. It is up to those producers who have lived both with and without the checkoff to educate them on why it’s a critical part of the beef industry.

So, how do we go about educating our fellow producers? There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Younger ranchers may say social media is their preferred industry resource whereas producers like me who don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, would probably rather have a face-to-face conversation or read a newspaper or magazine.

Regardless, the call to action is the same – beef producers need to communicate with each other – spreading the word about how the checkoff uses their dollar-per-head investments to advance the entire beef industry. We can’t shy away from engaging with those who may have opposing opinions but instead hear their arguments and share the true wins behind the checkoff.

For example, the Beef Checkoff is constantly identifying new and emerging market opportunities for beef in places like Asia to keep beef demand high. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Meat Export Federation, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, U.S. beef exports reached over $8 billion in 2018. The U.S. is currently Japan’s largest beef supplier by value, and exports to Korea have jumped 43 percent in value since 20171. By opening market opportunities, the checkoff is ensuring consistent demand – so even when prices are down, sales can remain strong.

Furthermore, the Beef Checkoff is investing dollars to create new, innovative and convenient beef products that align with current consumer purchasing patterns. One such product is “Beefshi,” a new sushi-style concept using beef products like pastrami, roast beef and summer sausage, to be enjoyed as an appetizer or a full meal.

Those are just two of ways the checkoff is driving consumer demand. But that’s only part of the story. The Beef Checkoff is also dedicated to improving the industry as a whole – and that includes investing in producers. From the Beef Quality Assurance program and encouraging better management practices to the lifecycle assessment which showcases the real sustainability efforts that have decreased beef’s environmental footprint – the checkoff is engaged in every sector of the industry. We’re always looking for ways to help beef producers succeed.

Whether you’re at the sale barn, coffee shop, grocery store or even online, make sure your fellow beef producers know it’s your contribution that makes the beef industry great. It’s your superior product. It’s your time and effort. It’s your voice. It’s your dollar.

two woman talking on a ranch

Frequently Asked Questions

This May, 2019, urban educators from around the nation traveled to Kansas and New York where they learned the principles of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) through the “On The Farm” experience.

Pioneered by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA), contractor to the Beef Checkoff, the On The Farm STEM experience offers a first-hand look at beef production. It brings educators together with ranchers, researchers and veterinarians to see how they apply STEM concepts in the beef industry every day. The program’s goal is to increase participants’ agricultural knowledge and encourage them to better connect STEM with agriculture in their classrooms and curriculums. Over the past three years, AFBFA has engaged more than 200 education leaders, including those from the top 10 urban school districts in the nation.

“Prior to this On The Farm experience, I would have never thought to use hands-on STEM connected to agriculture, but now, I see immediate applications to tie what I’ve learned into science classrooms.” – Jennifer Mayo, Portland Public Schools.

As generations of consumers become further and further removed from agriculture, the need and demand for these experiences continues to grow. This is especially true in urban school districts, such as Los Angeles Unified School District (CA), Broward County School District (FL), Portland Public Schools (OR) and New York City Department of Education.

By investing checkoff dollars toward programs like the On The Farm STEM experience, beef producers are able to educate participants about the food system – resulting in a stronger pasture-to-plate connection.

These national events are moving the needle by enhancing beef perception and intent to consume while also increasing exposure to state programming. Pre- and post-event assessments administered to On The Farm participants indicated major changes in their perceptions of beef after attending the event.

man helping daughter in kitchen

Frequently Asked Questions

Checkoff-funded consumer research shows us that the key generation for beef marketing – millennials – practically lives on digital devices. They use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to get beef recipes, information and industry news. They see what their fellow consumers are saying about beef, then look elsewhere online to check if the information is scientifically sound. Most important for beef producers, they look to social media for quick and convenient recipe ideas to feed their families and help them thrive1

Your Beef Checkoff program is working diligently to make real, meaningful connections with these consumers to share positive, science-based stories about all things beef. It is the checkoff’s “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.” campaign that reaches this target audience in an authentic, genuine way – not only through the communication channels they use most but also through hands-on opportunities with Millennial influencers that are genuine beef advocates.

While challenging, all of these interests translate to tremendous opportunities for the Beef Checkoff program. Millennials are a growing generation, with expanding families and influence, who will make beef-buying decisions for the next 40-plus years.

The future of the industry depends heavily on this next generation of beef eaters, and your checkoff is seeing to it that they have the information to increase their confidence in you and your end product, making sure that beef remains “What’s for Dinner” for generations to come.

Connecting With Consumers Through “Chuck Knows Beef”

By the year 2020, 50 percent of all searches will be voice searches.2 That is why the checkoff is connecting with this important audience through “Chuck Knows Beef,” an all-knowing beef expert available on Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Chuck gives users the ability to connect with recipes and cooking information found on “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.”through voice activation. With nearly a half million sessions since being launched in 2018, the “Chuck Knows Beef” digital assistant, powered by Google Artificial Intelligence, is keeping beef information easily accessible for consumers. Chuck is available for download at

Frequently Asked Questions

According to “Environmental Footprints of Beef Cattle Production”1 a study recently published in the journal Agricultural Systems, widely accepted claims about beef cattle’s environmental impact in the U.S. are often overestimated.

The lifecycle assessment, conducted by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and the Beef Checkoff, was designed to scientifically quantify the sustainability of U.S. beef production. Researchers collected and examined feed- and cattle-production-related data from more than 2,200 cattle producers in seven regional production areas. They derived their conclusions by using a simulation model and regional production data to estimate national impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, fossil energy use, blue water consumption and reactive nitrogen loss.

While these conclusions are compelling, a recent EAT-Lancet 50-page suggests that the only way to save the planet is to eat less meat, eat more nuts and beans, or adopt a “flexitarian” diet (defined as flexible vegetarianism, eating more vegetables than meat). Frank Mitloehner, Ph.D., professor and air quality specialist for the Department of Animal Science at the University of California – Mitloehner, says in order to meet EAT-Lancet’s solution of replacing meat with nuts, the U.S. would have to increase nut production by 580 percent.

“What we need are more nutrient-rich foods like beef and eggs,” Dr. Mitloehner explains.

As others try to influence dietary guidelines throughout the world, Dr. Mitloehner cautioned that the often-cited data in the 2006 FAO report (Livestock’s Long Shadow) and other soon-to-follow reports will continue to make inaccurate claims about food production.

“The way you produce animals has a profound impact on environmental footprint,” Dr. Mitloehner says. “Although these reports are full of inaccuracies, don’t just disregard them as they will impact us for a long time. Check them for credibility and respond in a meaningful way.”

The fact is that beef production, including the production of animal feed, is responsible for only 3.3 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. This is dramatically lower than the often-misquoted global livestock figure of 14.5 percent2.

Dr. Mitloehner goes on to explain that global numbers have intentionally distorted the sustainability picture. Truth be told? By continuously improving their production practices, today, U.S. beef farmers and ranchers are able to produce the same amount of beef with one-third-fewer cattle than they did in 1977.

This is exactly why the checkoff conducted the lifecycle assessment – to give consumers and the industry the real story of beef sustainability – something everyone can read and believe.

“This lifecycle assessment delivers the most comprehensive and accurate assessment of the environmental impact of beef cattle in the U.S. to date,” says USDA researcher and study co-author Alan Rotz.

This information was distributed via the wire to consumer-directed media outlets, and it is also currently featured on the “Beef in a Healthy, Sustainable Diet” page on For more information about beef production practices and sustainability, visit

Beef Sustainability: Fact vs. Myth

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digital billboard in new york

Frequently Asked Questions

Beefshi was front and center in New York City’s Times Square this past March as the North American Meat Institute (NAMI), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, introduced the Big Apple to the new items created for the 2019 campaign. Beefshi is a creative, new fusion-food concept that uses prepared beef products like bologna, summer sausage, corned beef and pastrami as central ingredients in sushi.

The theme of the Times Square promotion was “Your Sushi is getting Beefed Up!” Giant, colorful images of Beefshi and a link to towered above Times Square for all to see.

“Americans have always loved beef, and over the past few decades, their love of sushi has catapulted,” said Eric Mittenthal, vice president of public affairs at NAMI. “In fact, sushi is one of the fastest-growing categories in supermarket deli departments. Therefore, we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate National Deli Meat Month than focusing on the marriage of beef and sushi.”

Last year, during the retail-focused Annual Meat Conference, hundreds of retailers sampled three Beefshi recipes, and 55 completed a short survey that captured their reactions. Overall, 95 percent of those who tried the Beefshi creations liked them – while half of the retailers said they would make sense at the supermarket.

Working with multiple state beef councils and a chef trained at the Culinary Institute of America, NAMI has developed eight new Beefshi recipes – adding to eight recipes created in 2018. These recipes are intended to introduce the concept and inspire consumers, retailers and foodservice operators to develop their own Beefshi creations.

By finding new and creative ways to market beef, the checkoff is helping drive demand every day. Learn more about Beefshi – including recipes, how-to videos and nutrition facts – at

Frequently Asked Questions

More and more consumers are using smart speakers in their kitchens, creating opportunities for beef to engage with them during the cooking process.

Chuck Knows Beef, the only all-knowing virtual beef expert powered by Google Artificial Intelligence, is here and ready to help consumers as their personal guide to all things beef. Chuck Knows Beef was developed by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association as a contractor to the Beef Checkoff to address the Beef Industry’s Long Plan Range priority of revolutionizing the beef shopping experience.

As tech savvy millennials become parents, beef is meeting the need of this new generation of family cooks looking for food inspiration and information with the invention of Chuck. There are nearly 50 million smart speaker owners in the U.S. today1, with the two most popular devices being the Amazon Alexa and the Google Home Assistant, and Chuck Knows Beef is available as a “skill” on both of these popular smart speakers. People can also access Chuck Knows Beef through their mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer at the or the vanity website There have been more than 13 million visits to the since it relaunched in October 2017, and Chuck brings all of the beef knowledge from the website into these popular smart-speakers.

Who is the smart speaker consumer?

Why is this relevant?

Seventy percent of people agree that technical support would be helpful when shopping for beef with another 65 percent agreeing it would influence their purchasing decisions. 2Based on this research, Chuck was designed to fit consumer needs with instant access to recipes, cut and nutritional information and cooking tips – plus a whole lot more. If a user finds a recipe through Chuck, he can even text them the shopping list!

“Artificial Intelligence and its role in marketing are rapidly evolving every day, and the Beef Checkoff is on the cutting edge by investing in this technology to constantly meet changing consumer expectations,” said Season Solorio, Senior Executive Director, Brand Marketing & Communications, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, who manages the “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” brand. “In March we will turn things up a notch with an exciting campaign that will be an integrated effort, including digital advertising, media relations, influencer engagement and supply chain activities, to bring more widespread awareness to Chuck.”

From artificial intelligence to virtual reality ranch tours, beef continues to embrace technology in new ways. Through the introduction of Chuck, the checkoff is enhancing consumers’ knowledge and experience with beef at the store and in the kitchen. Chuck also provides the opportunity to have a real-life focus group so that the Beef Checkoff can constantly understand what the consumer needs and wants in real-time and understand the nuances in how people talk about beef.

Quickly access Chuck at, or enable Chuck Knows Beef with any Amazon Alexa or Google Home Assistant, and join the 500,000 consumers who have visited Chuck so far.