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Frequently Asked Questions

Survey says! The majority of beef producers are in favor of the Beef Checkoff program and have consistently supported it over time. In fact, according to a recent independent study, 80 percent say the checkoff drives demand for beef.

For more than 25 years, the checkoff has commissioned a third-party research firm to conduct an annual survey of beef and dairy producers nationwide to determine their awareness of the Beef Checkoff, as well as their sentiment and concerns about the program.

This year’s key survey findings include:

  • 80 percent say the Beef Checkoff drives demand for beef
  • 72 percent say they approve of the Beef Checkoff
  • 68 percent say the Beef Checkoff leads to greater profitability in their own operation

In January 2019, Luce Research conducted the survey by calling the cell phone and landline numbers of 1,200 beef and dairy producers nationwide. These producers were randomly chosen from a master list of 150,000 U.S. producers. Using 2012 Agriculture Census statistics, the research firm weighted the survey data by age, geography and type of operation to be proportionate to the number of beef and dairy farms in that region – resulting in the adjusted sample size of 1,200 producers.

To participate, responding producers had to indicate they managed an operation that included cattle. For a sample of 1,200, the maximum statistical margin of error (95 percent confidence level) is ± 2.8 percent around any one reported result. For those producers who said they were aware of the checkoff, the maximum margin of error is ± 2.9 percent.

According to the survey results, producers conclude that the checkoff is making a difference in the beef industry, and they understand its positive, global impact. Investing in areas such as research, promotion and producer communications are ways the checkoff keeps the industry growing and beef on dinner tables around the world.

“We’re pleased to learn that producers continue to see the value of the checkoff and support its efforts,” said Brian Malaer, co-chair of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board Investor Relations Working Group. “With 80 percent of producers saying the checkoff help drives demand for beef, it’s clear that they see the return on their investment and feel the checkoff is a necessary part of the beef industry. As 2019 continues, we will keep communicating the checkoff’s many successes so even more producers can better understand how their dollars are advancing the demand for beef.”

The funding for the Producer Attitude Survey initiative sits under the Producer Communications Authorization Request and is overseen by the Investor Relations Working Group and commissioned by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. The dollars come solely from the Beef Checkoff without input from contractors to ensure unbiased results. The checkoff will take the information gathered from this year’s survey and use it to develop authorization requests for the coming year.

“To ensure the Beef Checkoff‘s continued success, we must communicate the value it brings to the beef industry and the every-day beef producer,” Malaer said. “Their dollars support the industry. Their dollars make a difference. Their dollars are driving demand.”

More About Luce Research:

Luce Research is a multi-dimensional consumer and market research firm whose data-gathering technologies help organizations better understand their constituencies. Their expertise includes scientifically-driven consumer and market research, institutional insights, campaigns, large and small population polling, and custom-developed surveys.

Dan Hoffman, adjunct professor of market research at University of Denver, and contractor to Luce Research, explained why the annual survey is conducted via phone versus online polling.

“Online polling suffers from very low participation and can result in a skewed picture of the audience being surveyed,” said Hoffman. “These polls often garner emotional responses, not factual conversations. When looking at where and how the checkoff is viewed by producers, it is vitally important to use the most statistically weighted process to truly gauge these opinions.”

For more information about the Beef Checkoff and its programs, including promotion, research, foreign marketing, industry information, consumer information and safety, visit Beef Checkoff Program Areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know that the volunteer board members responsible for making decisions about your checkoff dollars at both the state and national levels are checkoff-paying, beef farmers, ranchers and importers? This structure is designed to ensure that producers like you are responsible for directing, reviewing and approving expenditure of all checkoff dollars.

If you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring to be one of the 99 members of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), then share your interest with a certified nominating organization to learn about being nominated for consideration by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to serve a three-year term. Nominating organizations represent beef and dairy producers in 37 states and three regions, based on total cattle numbers in each state. Importer appointments are drawn from nominations by importer associations.

“Serving on the Beef Board gives me the opportunity to have a voice – real input – in how our checkoff monies are invested,” explains CBB member Amelia Kent, Louisiana cow-calf producer.

“Given consumer concern about the safety of our food supply, it is critical for farmers and ranchers to tell our stories and interact with the consumer audience. If we don’t, someone else will tell our stories for us, and those stories could be laced with misinformation or their own agendas. It’s simply damaging to our industry and our product for us not to step up.”

“Serving on the Board provides a better understanding of how our checkoff monies are invested, insight to the results of those promotional efforts and the opportunity to shape further investments with the ambition of increasing beef demand,” said Kent.

New members joining the CBB will begin their three-year term in February 2019. View new and reappointed members here.

runner being interviewed

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your laces tightened up, we are running for beef!

Every weekend, Northeast Team Beef members positively advocate for beef as they participate in road races located in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. The 31 members on the team have collectively ran 499 miles since October 1, 2018.

The concept of Team Beef is not a new one, but it is a program that is constantly changing, incredibly relevant and one that at the core, addresses the beef industry long range plan strategic initiative of “Engaging Beef Advocates.” Team Beef is a nationally supported program through which the Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative is able to extend the rich educational content developed by the checkoff to Team Beef members.

And, what better group of first-party spokespeople to exemplify the nationally developed messages of the Strength Campaign than Team Beef members?

Reaching the Masses

Northeast Team Beef members reach two primary groups. The first being other runners through their in-person participation in race events. The races all take place within the region and can be anything from small local races to large urban races. The second audience includes their own circles of influence on social media. These Northeast Team Beef members have a large social media reach each and every time they complete a race – proudly advocating for beef in the diet of an athlete. During the first quarter of the year, they have a total reach of 46,919 and 6,638 engagements. These engagements are furthering the mission of the beef checkoff, which is to drive demand for beef!

Every one of these individuals has a unique story to tell about how they believe beef is a beneficial part of their diet – crucial to their recovery and an integral part of their weekly meals.

Hear From Just a Few:

Karen Esdall: Karen is from Virginia, and at the start of her running journey, Karen weighed 270 pounds. Today, she is a proud, strong and very active, 170-pound runner who enjoys running. In addition to becoming more physically active, Karen also is more careful about what she eats. She shares that carbohydrate-heavy meals followed by sugary desserts have been replaced by lean meats, good fats and delicious salads – not drenched in creamy dressings. Karen has learned how to design a healthy diet and fill her plate with nutrient-dense foods, making beef something she is really passionate about! This past fall, she ran her first full marathon.

Abbie Gellman: Abbie is a Registered Dietitian and chef based in New York City. She is one of the newest members and since joining the team, has increased her chatter about beef on social media. She demonstrates a growing level of interest in learning more about beef and the beef community as she continues through her journey as a Northeast Team Beef member.

Chris Free: Chris, from Virginia, is new to Team Beef and has been using his connections with local media outlets and his profession as a creative media manager to document his races.

Meg Sauve: Also from Virginia, Meg is a former officer in the Marine Corps and served two tours in Iraq. She may be one of the most die-hard consumers of beef on the team. She shared this quote in her member profile, “Beef is such a fantastic nutrient-dense food. It’s satiating and satisfying, and there are so many options – my favorite being a ribeye steak. I have seen such great progress with my own running and health since going low-carb, and I hope that others can learn that you do not have to depend on carbs, grains, sugar, or even super lean white meats — that a good steak or ground beef or filet can fuel your body, your workouts and your brain – and keep you feeling great!”

To learn more about how to advocate on Team Beef, contact your state beef council.

rancher carrying a hay bale

Frequently Asked Questions

CENTENNIAL, CO – Cattle producers Chuck Coffey, Jared Brackett and Hugh Sanburg are the new leaders of the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board or better known as the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB). This officer team is responsible for guiding the national Beef Checkoff program throughout 2019.

Coffey, Brackett and Sanburg were elected unanimously by their fellow Beef Board members during the 2019 Cattle Industry Convention in New Orleans on Friday, February 1, 2019. Coffey will now serve as the CBB’s chairman, while Brackett will transition from his role as the 2018 secretary/treasurer to vice chair. Sanburg is the newest member of the officer team – taking on Brackett’s former responsibilities as secretary/treasurer.

The CBB’s new chair, Chuck Coffey, is a fifth-generation rancher who grew up on a ranch in the hill country of Harper, Texas. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in range science from Texas A & M. After completing his master’s degree in 1985, Coffey taught agriculture at Murray State College in Tishomingo, Oklahoma, eventually chairing the department until 1993 when he joined the Noble Foundation as a pasture and range consultant. Today, Coffey and his wife operate a cow-calf operation with approximately 1,000 head of cattle near Springer, Oklahoma.

“I’ve been active in the cattle business most of my life,” Coffey said. “As I look forward to the year ahead, I truly believe that cattle producers have numerous reasons to be optimistic. As the CBB’s new chair, I plan to work closely with our officer team and do everything I can to successfully guide the checkoff as it continues to pursue its primary mission: increasing beef demand worldwide.”

Vice chair Jared Brackett is a fifth-generation cow-calf producer from Filer, Idaho. Brackett is a Texas A & M alum and die-hard Aggie fan with a degree in agriculture economics. A past president of the Idaho Cattlemen’s Association, Brackett continues to serve on a number of other livestock committees and boards in addition to his responsibilities with the Beef Checkoff program.

The CBB’s new secretary/treasurer, Hugh Sanburg, hails from Eckert, Colorado, where he is a managing partner with his brother, of their primarily Horned Hereford cow-calf operation, accompanied by a Registered Hereford operation to compliment the commercial herd. Sanburg graduated from Colorado School of Mines with a degree in mining engineering in 1983 before moving back to the home ranch in western Colorado. For the past 30 years, Sanburg has been an active member of the Colorado Farm Bureau serving on various boards. He is also a member of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association and serves as chairman of the Gunnison Basin Roundtable.

“We have a tremendously talented and dedicated group of individuals leading the CBB throughout 2019,” said Joan Ruskamp, past chairman of the board. “Chuck, Jared and Hugh personally understand the challenges that producers and other beef industry investors have today, but they also clearly see the many opportunities that lie ahead. I’m certain that they’ll work very hard to help the Beef Checkoff achieve new levels of success this year.”


cow in a pasture

Frequently Asked Questions

In fiscal year 2018, the Beef Checkoff program invested checkoff funds of $7.36 million in foreign marketing and education because exports represent a significant growth opportunity for U.S. beef producers. By selling U.S. beef in more than 80 countries worldwide, the beef industry adds back an average value of $318.66 per head for fed slaughter to U.S. beef producers, according to data released by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). USDA research also showed, from January through August 2018, beef export value climbed 18 percent from a year ago to $5.51 billion.

China provides an interesting example of how beef exports benefit the U.S. beef industry. China was one of only a few international markets that never reopened to U.S. beef following the 2003 bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) case — but that changed in June 2017, as the U.S. and China announced a long-awaited market reopening.

U.S. beef exports to South Korea also received a major boost in fiscal year 2017 when Costco officially converted the imported chilled beef selection at all 15 of its Korean locations from Australian product to 100 percent U.S. beef. The move followed multi-year, checkoff-funded efforts to both restore consumer confidence in U.S. beef and persuade Costco executives that U.S. beef sales would match or exceed those of Australian beef. Costco’s move represents about 33.1 million pounds of incremental new beef business in 2017 alone, with additional growth opportunities.

“The value of exports exceeds the value of imports for a similar volume of product because exports command a higher per-pound price,” said Laurie Bryant, Cattlemen’s Beef Board member. “In other words, importing beef creates a net increase for the U.S. beef industry by allowing us to export more high-value beef.”

The export/import landscape is a nuanced balancing act. Importing beef creates a net increase for the U.S. beef industry by allowing us to export more high-value beef.

Frequently Asked Questions

As the old saying goes, “knowledge is power.” It is difficult to advocate for any organization unless you truly understand it. We recently sat down with Chuck Kiker, a cow/calf producer from Beaumont, Texas, to learn more about his first encounter with the Beef Checkoff and his journey from knowing little about the program to understanding and fully supporting it.

Q: What was your first experience with the checkoff?

Chuck: From an early age, I was involved with the Independent Cattlemen’s Association, and I clearly remember back in the ‘80s when the checkoff referendum vote took place. At that time, support for the program in Texas was high, and when the county extension agent asked for my assistance in spreading support for the checkoff, I willingly helped.

Q: Can you identify a turning point when you felt you understood the checkoff?

Chuck: I’ve always supported the checkoff, but it’s bigger than all of us. I was on the Beef Board two to three years before I had a really good knowledge of the program and how it works. It was hard to understand the depth and breadth of what the checkoff did beyond Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. I served my first term on the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) in 2004, and my second term began in 2011.

At the start of my CBB career, the press was viewing beef negatively because of health claims about fat and cholesterol. Within a short time, the checkoff and the producers who led it helped change that perception. I’m most proud of our reputation management, beef exports and beef influencer efforts. I tell fellow producers our checkoff does so many things we don’t ever see, but without it, we wouldn’t be experiencing the beef demand we have today.

Q: How do you advocate for the future of the checkoff?

Chuck: There aren’t enough people who know a lot about the checkoff. I urge producers to be involved and devote some time to learn how the checkoff drives our industry. I want my children and all children to have the opportunity to be ranchers if that’s what they want to do.

Want to get involved? Your Qualified State Beef Council is the best place to start – attend meetings or even become a member of the board. Go to for more info.

Frequently Asked Questions

The topic of beef sustainability continues to exist among consumers, the media and the beef industry. Your Beef Checkoff continues to work toward shifting the sustainability conversation in a different direction – one of a positive view of the beef industry and production practices.

During a recent Sustainability Workshop in Denver, Colorado, Sara Place, Ph.D., Senior Director of Sustainable Beef Production Research for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), contractor to the Beef Checkoff, said, “Our research shows consumers feel comfortable seeing recipes next to stories about beef production and consider it credible information when there is a face or expert associated with the content.”

The workshop exposed agriculture trade media partners to the current discussion happening around beef and sustainability, and consumer insights and market research related to beef sustainability. According to the 2017 Consumer Image Index, only 30 percent of consumers say they are familiar with how cattle are raised, but 77 percent of consumers think it is important for beef producers to openly share production information with the public.

In discussion about consumer behavior perspectives on beef sustainability related issues, Dr. Glynn Tonsor, Ph.D., Kansas State University Agricultural Economics Faculty Professor, said, “The world needs and wants more protein. New sources will continue to arise, but there is room for both conventional and new protein items.” According to Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, Director of Sustainability at JBS USA, sustainability will be a top five demand driver over the next 20 years. To ensure consumers know the facts about beef sustainability, the Beef Checkoff conducts research to better understand the needs of today’s consumer.

Leading the Way

Quantifying the sustainability of beef is challenging, as the supply chain is one of the most multifaceted food systems in the world. However, the beef industry paved the way with the checkoff’s comprehensive lifecycle assessment which quantifies and benchmarks environmental, social and economic aspects of the beef industry from 2005 to 2011. Most recent work aimed to quantify important environmental impacts of beef cattle production systems for each of seven regions of the U.S. and then, use those regional assessments to determine national impacts of cattle production. Additional studies shared during the workshop focused on human edible feed conversion research (upcycling) and the economic value of beef cattle ranching and farming-based ecosystem services.

“Our industry continues to make advancements and improvements in the sustainability of U.S. beef production,” concluded Place. “Thanks to beef checkoff efforts, we are positioned as credible experts and work to communicate these positive messages throughout the beef value-chain.”

purple sky

Frequently Asked Questions

When asked about checkoff activities, two out of three producers said “informing producers about the results of beef checkoff programs” was essential. The Cattlemen’s Beef Board invests a small percentage (about 3.5 percent) of its total budget to keep all producers informed about what their money is accomplishing. This year, funding will be spent on an initiative called The Drive.

If you are on this website, you are already experiencing The Drive. It is a movement to build a strong, trusting partnership with producers through listening, transparency and clear, direct communication.

That is why The Drive will make every effort to better understand what producers want to know about the Beef Checkoff program. Through conversations with producers like yourself, we will gauge your checkoff awareness and perceptions, as well as gain valuable insights about your educational interests and needs.

That’s right – it is all about YOU. We will conduct roundtable discussions with key opinion leaders and have one-on-one conversations with beef producers (YOU!). Then, we will share those topics of interest with your fellow beef producers across the country.

We all know that our industry continues to face challenges from various action groups. The Drive will help address misconceptions and challenges by establishing an industry voice to educate producers, the media and other influencers about the facts.

The bottom line? Let’s start having an open and honest conversation that will benefit the entire beef industry.

To be a part of our conversation, please email

Beef Poke

Frequently Asked Questions

Beef was a hot commodity at the 2018 TASTE! Lancaster Festival of Food, Wine & Spirits. Held at the Lancaster Convention Center on November 16th and 17th — the area’s premier food festival welcomed nearly 8,000 guests who enjoy the pleasures of eating and entertaining with food.

The Beef Checkoff highlighted beef’s versatility and flavor profile to the crowds as they passed through the festival space. Chef Barry Strand from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, was on-site to demonstrate the new culinary craze of Beef Poke (or Poké), sharing nearly 1,600 samples of this tangy, trendy recipe to the millennial and foodie crowd. Poke is a native Hawaiian dish traditionally crafted with diced raw fish and served as either an appetizer or main course.

“We wanted to highlight this dish for two reasons,” Chef Barry explained. “According to Whole Foods Market Top 10 Trends of 2019, flavors of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim will be huge in 2019. This recipe capitalizes on the trend of poke using flavors from beef Ribeye Filet, instead of the traditional raw fish. Also, Ribeye Filet is a cut that not many people have tried before. You can ask your butcher to break this down for you, or you can get more hands-on and fabricate this cut yourself. There are cutting videos available on”

Along with a weekend of culinary demos, Chef Barry also showcased a step-by-step breakdown of the beef Ribeye subprimal, demonstrating how cost effective this can be if done at home. Attendees were fascinated by the cutting demo and watched in amazement as Chef Barry talked through the best technique to freeze beef at home as well.

“Buying beef in bulk and learning the proper steps to freezing beef in smaller potions is a great option for feeding your family on a budget,” comments Jennifer Orr, director of nutrition education with the Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative, a subcontractor to the Beef Checkoff.

New to the beef booth was a Recipe Inspiration Kiosk. This digital experience allowed consumers to learn more about beef fabrication, view checkoff-promoted videos, enter to win the Beef and Wine Entertaining Basket — and even share recipes with themselves from Of those entering the survey at the kiosk, 84 percent stated they have a positive opinion of beef.

Overall, the checkoff was glad to be involved in this local foodie event, educating consumers on the many benefits of beef from its versatility, economical capabilities and delicious flavor profile. The checkoff is thankful to JBS Souderton for helping to make this event a success through the generous donation of beef subprimals for the cutting demonstration and Ribeye Filets for sampling.

The event was sponsored by the Beef Checkoff’s Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative, along with the Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Iowa State Beef Councils. For more information about upcoming NEBPI events, visit the NEBPI website and Facebook page.

Internal links within this document are funded and maintained by the Beef Checkoff. All other outgoing links are to websites maintained by third parties.

cow with tag 357

Frequently Asked Questions

Northeast influencers got an inside look at Pennsylvania’s veal industry through “Raising Today’s Veal,” a VIP event hosted Sept. 18 to 19, 2018, in Souderton, Pennsylvania. The tour offered an opportunity to learn about the veal industry in depth, talk with a local veal producer and tour the Marcho Processing Plant in order to better understand the veal community.

Donna Moenning, a facilitator of the Veal Quality Assurance Program, kicked off the VIP evening on September 18, introducing veal and how these cattle are raised. To further engage our influencers, she touched on industry standards and the level of commitment to quality care by the farm families that raise them. To help tell that story, Mike Kunsman, a veal producer from La Jose, Pennsylvania, went through the day-to-day tasks on his farm, explaining all the care and dedication that goes into raising quality, nutritious protein. Mike is a third-generation farmer and has been a grower for Marcho for the past 16 years.

Dr. Aydin, Director Research and Nutrition at Marcho Farms, Inc., and Robert Supanick, representative from Mountain States Rosen, also joined the evening gathering to provide insight on all aspects of the veal community. VIP evening attendees included five Registered Dietitians from Massachusetts, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as three career chefs and culinary instructors from Pennsylvania.

The following day, the influencer group and students from the Culinary Institute of Philadelphia joined for a tour of the Marcho Processing Plant, which began as a two-person veal farm when founder Wayne Marcho purchased his first calf in 1969. Today, the Marcho family operates a fully-integrated veal and lamb manufacturing facility — providing premium veal cuts and products for families to enjoy nationwide and globally. Attendees toured the Marcho Feed Mill where precision and science are weaved together to create a balanced, milk-replacer formula, which all the veal growers feed to their calves. The tour then led influencers and students through the harvest floor, processing center and cutting rooms where veal products were cut down and packaged to be shipped to retail and foodservice establishments.

To the surprise of many attendees, the veal animals were a lot larger than expected, being upwards of 500 pounds at the time of harvest, helping to put into perspective how the veal landscape has changed over the year. Many were also excited to hear that all veal calves are now raised in group housing barns, a national initiative that was achieved in 2017.

Dr. Sonia Arnold, Manager of Nutrition, Research and Quality Control, and Chad Yoder, Calf Procurement, both of Marcho Farms, led the group through their facility. The day ended with a Veal Parmesan lunch and discussions on how veal is marketed by Anthony Tomassian, a Manufacturer Sales Representative for Marcho.

Throughout the experience, attendees were encouraged to ask questions and openly engage in dialogue with Marcho executives, veal growers and industry members. With the veal community opening their doors to showcase how today’s veal is raised, the Beef Checkoff was able to highlight the improvements the industry has made through group housing and help dispel myths surrounding veal production.

Pre- and post-tour survey results showed a 40 percent attitudinal shift towards a positive favorability rating for beef with all participants citing they feel the positives of beef outweigh the negative.

“I was amazed at how much care was taken at each stage of the veal process, from feeding the calves superior nutrition to housing and transporting them in a clean, safe and humane environment,” commented Kim Schwabanbauer. “This industry has come a long way and that is a story that demands to be told. The other real surprise was the sustainability aspect with the use of an animal that would otherwise be discarded. Every piece of the animal was used in a way that made sense for consumption or for the environment, right down to the heart linings being sent to St. Jude’s Hospital for research. There was a lot of thought put into how to make everything work for the good of the order.”

Attendees were encouraged to check out and for more information, recipes, nutrition information and more.

This tour was made possible by the Pennsylvania Beef Council and the checkoff’s Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative with funding support from the Kentucky Beef Council. To learn more about the Pennsylvania Beef Council, visit

family eating dinner at table

Frequently Asked Questions

Article via NEBPI, a subcontractor to the Beef Checkoff

Throughout the month of September, the Beef Checkoff is partnering with Northeast-based blogger Christina Hitchcock of It Is A Keeper surrounding Back to School with Beef. Recipes, time saving tips, tricks and more will be shared with followers to help get the school year off to a happy and healthy start.

Christina kicked off the series with a post about utilizing a multi-cooker to cook frozen Ground Beef to utilize in a variety of recipes. We’ve all been in the 5 o’clock panic, realizing we don’t have beef thawed out in the refrigerator. The blog post outlines the ease of utilizing a multi-cooker to get safe, fully-cooked Ground Beef in under 30 minutes. You can read it, here. Additional posts will include:

Additional outreach surrounding this campaign included a sponsored segment on WNEP-TV’s Home & Backyard, which aired Saturday, September 8th. The segment featured Christina walking through her quick weeknight Cheesesteak Stuffed Shells recipe. The segment can be viewed, here. Nutritional messaging was also shared throughout the segment to remind viewers that beef’s essential nutrients will fuel their family’s busy lifestyle. Kaitlyn Carey, Director of Consumer Affairs with the checkoff’s Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative notes, “Our partnership with social influencers, like Christina, allows us to have a larger impact with Northeast consumer groups we would not have access to without these relationships.”

Partnership opportunities like this allow the Beef Checkoff to engage directly with our regional social influencers, while disseminating beef information to our Northeast consumers. Beef checkoff-funded research [1] in the Northeast shows that nutrition-focused efforts are making a difference with the Northeast’s metropolitan consumers. Messaging related to beef’s protein, lean cuts and essential nutrients appear to be reaching and favorably influencing consumers.

For more insight into our Back to School campaign visit the NortheastLovesBeef Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Kaitlyn Carey; or visit the NEBPI website.

[1] Consumer Beef Index, July 2017, Funded by the Beef Checkoff

woman shopping for meat in grocery store

Frequently Asked Questions

Article via NEBPI, a subcontractor to the Beef Checkoff

The modern-day grocery shopping experience is a far cry from how our parents shopped for their family meals. Technology is truly changing the way we shop for food, isn’t it? You really are just a few clicks away from your groceries showing up at your door step in a matter of hours, complete with helpful meal solutions to pull off a home-cooked meal in under 30 minutes. The Beef Checkoff’s Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI) took advantage of several non-traditional retail marketing platforms this summer, ensuring that Northeast shoppers chose beef as the center for their summer celebratory meals.

Long gone are the coupon clipping days and instead, modern shoppers can access recipes, cooking tips and product rebates right from their smartphones. The checkoff continues to find value in focusing on influencing the shopper’s buying decision before they step foot inside the grocery store. Ibotta, a mobile retail rebate app boasting 24 million downloads is the third most frequently used shopping app. This summer, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic shoppers had the opportunity to engage with checkoff-funded beef recipes and cooking tips, to unlock rebates on fresh beef through the Ibotta app. The campaign reached over 2,500 retail locations and the geographical reach of their footprint included the entire New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. Stores included Hannaford, Stop and Shop, Giant, Giant Food, Martin’s, Food Lion, Weis Markets and Redner’s Warehouse Markets. The campaign included tiered beef rebates structured to target both new and existing beef users, encouraging shoppers to shift up in the beef category from ground beef to whole muscle cuts and ultimately become repeat beef purchasers. The campaign was a partnered effort between the NEBPI, the Pennsylvania Beef Council, Virginia Beef Council, Iowa Beef Industry Council and North Carolina Beef Council.

Additionally, the Beef Checkoff’s NEBPI partnered with the East Coast online retailer giant, Fresh Direct, for a 4th of July beef burger campaign. Campaign promotional elements included a themed homepage ad featuring beef, leading up to and including the holiday weekend, a grilling landing page and shopping page featuring beef burgers. The campaign also offered run-of-site checkoff banner ads featuring the Beef Checkoff’s “Nicely Done” artwork, select beef SKUs boosted in consumer search bars, a blog article featuring a “Beef. it’s What’s For Dinner.” burger recipe, a box insert, e-blasts and social media posts to further elevate the reach of the campaign.

As a result of both digital retail-focused campaigns, over 3.5 million impressions were garnered. The Ibotta campaign achieved nearly 140,000 consumer engagements which drove the sale of over 43,000 units of beef during the 5-week campaign.

Christie Brown, the NEBPI’s Director of Marketing commented at the conclusion of both campaigns, “Not only does the checkoff have the opportunity to deepen relationships with regional retailers through these beef campaigns, but it’s also an incredible way to reach and engage with our Northeast-based consumers, all while driving beef sales at the retail level.”

For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Christie Brown, or visit the NEBPI website.