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The Cattlemen’s Beef Board  Fill 1 Created with Sketch.

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board

The Cattlemen's Beef Board is responsible for overseeing the collection of the Beef Checkoff and funding of Checkoff programs.

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The Checkoff  Fill 1 Created with Sketch.

The Checkoff

The Checkoff

The Beef Checkoff program is a producer-funded marketing and research program designed to increase domestic and/or international demand for beef.

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farmer shoveling dirt in barn

Producer Communications

Works to build producer understanding of the Beef Checkoff by communicating to beef producers and importers about the use of Checkoff dollars within these programs – promotion, research, consumer information, industry information and foreign marketing. The goal is to inform beef producers and importers about how their Checkoff dollars are utilized to drive demand for beef.

About the Producer Communications Program

Through the Producer Communications program, a small percentage of Beef Checkoff dollars are utilized to communicate to beef producers and importers about how their dollars are being used throughout the Beef Checkoff program. This includes the use of dollars in promotion, research consumer information, industry information and foreign marketing. Furthermore, the Producer Communications program relays how Checkoff dollars are allocated, shares results of investments, highlights program successes and builds understanding of Checkoff roles, responsibilities and processes.

Contractors With Projects Funded Under Producer Communications

Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB)

The CBB focuses on educating producers on why and how Beef Checkoff dollars are spent to increase beef demand. The goal is to build a strong, trusting partnership through listening, transparency and clear communication.

Fiscal Year 2025 initiatives include:
  • Grow the footprint of The Drive publishing platform to ensure messaging about Beef Checkoff successes continues to reach as many producers as possible, including print and email newsletters, The Drive in Five video series, audio files, social media, websites, webinars and other outreach.
  • Plan, develop and share insights from a key audience research initiative to define how to engage with producers and key audiences most efficiently.
  • Communicate the program’s efforts in driving beef demand by connecting educated and media-trained Beef Checkoff voices with trade media and industry influencers.

2025 Funding: $1,800,000

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