My Beef Board Members 
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Domestic Marketing Committee


Inspire consumers, and those who impact consumers, to make beef their preferred protein through targeted, innovative communication and marketing.


  • Implement a marketing campaign that communicates beef’s advantage compared to competing proteins
  • Develop targeted marketing programs focused on the highest opportunity market segments
  • Cultivate collaborative promotion partnerships
  • Engage consumers in a memorable beef eating experience
  • Develop a more interactive and exciting beef purchasing experience
  • Promote underutilized beef cuts and new variety meat products
  • Defend beef’s product identity

Twice a year, producer leaders meet in committees to review promotions and other projects that directly tie to their initiatives based on the Beef Industry Long Range Plan.

Domestic Marketing Committee Beef Board Members

Sallie Miller headshot


Sallie Miller

Briggsdale, Colorado

Reappointed in 2024

Matt Allan

Washington, District of Columbia

Appointed in 2024

Verna Billedeaux

Browning, Montana

Appointed in 2024

Wendy Bingham

North Powder, Oregon

Appointed in 2023

Rodney Cowan

Watonga, Oklahoma

Appointed in 2023

Arin Crooks headshot

Arin Crooks

Lancaster, Wisconsin

Appointed in 2022

Mary Graner

Huff, North Dakota

Reappointed in 2023

Diane Hoover headshot

Diane Hoover

Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Reappointed in 2023

Jacquelyne Leffler

Americus, Kansas

Appointed in 2024

Bill Post headshot

Bill Post

Chandler, Minnesota

Appointed in 2022

Becky Potmesil headshot

Becky Potmesil

Alliance, Nebraska

Appointed in 2022

Wesley Ratcliff headshot

Wesley Ratcliff

Oakwood, Texas

Appointed in 2022

Jody Rogers

Yuma, Colorado

Reappointed in 2023

Marty Stingley headshot

Marty Stingley

Ellensburg, Washington

Reappointed in 2023

Mark Sustaire headshot

Mark Sustaire

Winnsboro, Texas

Reappointed in 2024

Patty Wood

La Monte, Missouri

Appointed in 2023

Domestic Marketing Committee Federation Members


Daniel Hanrahan

Cumming, Iowa

Russell Boles

Watson, Oklahoma

Michele Cutler

Elsie, Nebraska

Joe Horstman headshot

Joe Horstman

West Lafayette, Indiana

Justin Iverson

Potomac, Montana

Douglas Maag

Vale, Oregon

Todd Mortenson headshot

Todd Mortenson

Hayes, South Dakota

Jake Osborn

Lynchburg, Ohio

Jake Pannbacker headshot

Jake Pannbacker

Washington, Kansas

Gilly Riojas

Pleasanton, Texas

Marsha Shoemaker

Bellevue, Texas

Mike Smith

Mike Smith

Visalia, California

Steven Taylor headshot

Steven Taylor

Jerome, Idaho

Jerry Yates headshot

Jerry Yates

Wardenville, West Virginia

Jason Zahn headshot

Jason Zahn

Towner, North Dakota