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The Cattlemen’s Beef Board

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board

The Cattlemen's Beef Board is responsible for overseeing the collection of the Beef Checkoff and funding of Checkoff programs.

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The Checkoff

The Checkoff

The Beef Checkoff program is a producer-funded marketing and research program designed to increase domestic and/or international demand for beef.

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How is the checkoff promoting beef in a healthy diet?

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The checkoff is actively involved in supporting human nutrition research to understand and communicate science-based information about beef’s role in health. Research topics include beef’s role in healthy diets for weight management, heart health, metabolic health and physical performance. Sharing beef’s great nutrition story is a priority of checkoff programs. Here are a few examples of how this is done:A recent checkoff funded study took a closer look at the benefits of including beef in the popular Mediterranean-style eating pattern. 1This research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that incorporating fresh lean red meat in this eating-pattern can support heart health. The study demonstrated that following a Mediterranean-style eating pattern including 18 ounces of cooked, fresh lean red meat per week, the typical amount consumed by U.S. residents, can positively impact cardiometabolic disease risk factor profiles. Study results were shared through media outreach and health professional education, reaching more than 87 million.

Thanks, in part, to a partnership with the Beef Checkoff, the American Heart Association (AHA) has certified the following beef products as part of its AHAHeart Check Food Certification Program. This program places the AHA Heart-Check mark logo on food packages to help healthy consumers, over age 2 identify foods that meet criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol. The beef products meeting this criteria for the AHA Heart Check certification include:

  • Sirloin tip steak
  • Bottom round steak
  • Top sirloin stir-fry
  • Boneless top sirloin petite roast
  • Top sirloin filet
  • Top sirloin kabob
  • Top sirloin steak, boneless, center cut
  • Extra lean ground beef (96% lean, 4% fat)
  • Extra lean ground beef (96% lean 4% fat) (with natural flavors)

Additionally, the Beef Checkoff has participated in creating heart-healthy beef recipes for the AHA Recipe Certification Program. Under this program, the Heart-Check mark logo helps health-conscious Americans identify heart-healthy recipes they can cook for themselves at home. Recipes can be certified in several categories and require meeting AHA nutrient criteria for total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and added sugar per serving. Twenty recipes that are AHA-certified and are included in the Heart Healthy Recipes collection on


  1. O’Connor LE, et al. A Mediterranean-style eating pattern with lean, unprocessed red meat has cardiometabolic benefits for adults who are overweight or obese in a randomized, crossover, controlled feeding trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2018;108:33-40.