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2019-2023 ROI Study Methodology

Research Period & Principal Investigator

The ROI & Broader Economic Impact Studies were conducted by Dr. Harry Kaiser in 2024. Dr. Kaiser is the Gellert Family Professor of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University in the Charles H. Dyson School. Dr. Kaiser has been involved in the research of commodity promotion for 40 years and has conducted over 130 economic evaluation studies of domestic and international checkoff programs in the United States, Canada, and Europe.


Econometric Models

Econometric models were developed to filter out the effects of other demand drivers/factors (e.g., other protein prices, real disposable income, seasonal variables, etc.), which enabled the study to quantify the net impact that national Beef Checkoff demand-driving activities had on domestic and export beef demand. Econometric models were estimated with beef demand driver/factor data observations from 2006–2023.

Market Simulation Model

Once estimated, the econometric models were used to develop a market simulation model, which was simulated under two scenarios: 1) baseline scenario, and 2) counterfactual scenario. The difference in beef demand between the two scenarios determined the ROI of the national Beef Checkoff for beef producers and importers. The market simulations utilized data observations from the most recent five-year period, 2019–2023.