b'Cattlemens Beef Board7555 E. Hampden Ave. Suite 610Denver, CO 80231(303) 220-9890Whats Funded for 2025?See what Beef Checkoff programs made the final cut.BEEF EXPORT VA L U E P E R F O R M A N C E 1Beef exports totaledJune export value forJune exports trendedThrough the first half 110,155 metric tonsbeef reached $938.3higher to Japan andof the year, beef export (mt) in June, down fourmillion, up threewere the third largestvalue climbed five percent from a year agopercent year-over-yearon record to Taiwan,percent from a year ago but the second largestand the highest sincewhile shipments toto $5.22 billion, despite monthly export total August 2022.Canada were the largesta 4 percent decline in in 2024.in nearly a decade.volume (643,733 mt).Sources: 1 Data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF).Subscribe to The Drive at DrivingDemandForBeef.com @BeefCheckoff @BeefCheckoff@BeefCheckoff @BeefCheckoff'